Saturday, May 10, 2008

This is my mother, Aldena Trout.  This picture was taken at my nephew's (Nathaniel) wedding in April of this year.  She is now living with Gary and me, and we are blessed to have her with us, especially me because she can't sit still a minute and has become my "live-in maid" - I call her "Hazel".  She has her own little "mini one-room apartment".  At night when she gets tired of Gary and I as she goes to her room she states.."I'm going home - see you tomorrow".  I'm thankful we are able to spend as much time together as we many miss out because they are separated from their parent or parents and can't visit with them very often.  Oh...and she likes to shop and enjoys a good sale - just like Jennifer and me (see below) - I guess Jennifer and my shopping fettish is inherited.  :)

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