Sunday, May 18, 2008

Jennifer took a break from painting at the new house to scrub her kitchen floor.  She and her Dad were the only ones doing any painting.  The two of them are good at it and not messy at all.  I, on the other hand, am the worst painter and messy...oh my!  Of course, they haven't figured out yet that I only pretend to be that messy so they won't ask me to help.  The actual moving day is next Friday (truck day).

Scott got to put together the cabinets, shelves, etc. know the kind - bad instructions, not enough screws, holes not matching, and on and on.  He also got to do plumbing, hanging window treatments and all those other little chores that go with moving to a new place.
This is Anna Kate's idea of moving.  She managed to find packed in a box my wedding veil that I had given her to play in, a bridesmaid bouquet that her mother carried in Chris and Marisa's wedding and then, of course, she needed her wedding dress from Kim and Nathaniel's wedding and she married every male in the house, i.e., Daddy, Papaw and her brother.

This was Ben's idea of moving....that PS2 Game got a workout.
This is Erin on third base getting ready to score.

This is Erin - she is on the "big girl's" softball team and she puts it - they pitch FAST!  She is one of the few new ones to graduate to the bigger team.  They are really good this year and have won all their games so far...and not by a few points but by as many as 10+ points.  Of course, if they keep winning that means they will be in all the finals and ball will continue until almost time for school to start next year.

Since my last entry, we've had a birthday party (Happy Birthday Marisa).  I won't post ages but if you look real close you will see just how old she is.....

1 comment:

Sharlene and Greg said...

How did Scott get out of painting?!I'm sure they will glad to be moved in soon. The house looks cute.